
work work work

So the weekend is almost over...and I'm tired. A good start isn't it?
I had to work on Friday night although one of my friends celebrated her 18th birthday. It's a big deal here..like turning 21 over there. And I wanted to go there. but it was so busy at work that I couldn't leave there till 11.30pm. Then I went to the Birthday Party...but I had to leave there already at 1.30 am...otherwise I wouldn't have been able to come back home.
On Saturday I also had to work. At first it wasn't busy and then at 10pm suddenly everybody came and it was soo pact. You couldn't get through!!
I left there at 3 in the morning. And today I had to get up quite early because we had a breakfast at our house. Two friends who also spent a year abroad came over with their parents...Our parents wanted to do something like that already while we still were gone but they didn't find the time..and so we did it now.

Just a moment ago Marie fell down..I had her in my room..and she tried to get one of my books and fell down from the mattress on the floor. Sometimes it happens...but this time she fell on her face..and she started to cry so loud. And then she opened her mouth and didn't say anything any more. I was so worried!!! Then we saw that she was bleeding..
I feel so guilty...
But that can happen at any time...especially now when she starts moving around. But I feel so sorry for her.and could cry with her....:-/


work and painting;)

Yesterday I sat on my homework forever...I get so sick of it..!!It's so much..often reading!Long texts and it takes forever...in the evening I had to work again.It was busy and so many people were there.I was surprised! I had to work till about 11.45pm*gg* so I got to sleep for about 6 hours..hehe!
But after I was done working I got paid for the month!*wah* and I was surprised..I never got as much money just from working;) it's a nice feeling to know that it's MY money now..that I've earned it and that I've done something for it!;D
But I will save it to come back to Swartz creek;D

Today I had 2 free periods during the school day.I went home and drank a coffee...then I went to the city and ran some errands.
and I painted my bike...hehe..yeah I had a black bike that looked like al the other bikes here around...and so they get stolen easily. I decided to paint black stripes on it..I told my mother about it but I know she doesn't really like it,oh well...!! I don't want it to be stolen!and she understands it...tonight i also have to work.i don't hope it will be as long as yesterday but i'll see:)



so this weekend was pretty exhausting...on Friday i had to work in the evening and came home around 2am*yawn*..I was soo tired...then on saturday i was supposed to work from 6pm ...but I went there and they told me I wouldn't have to work when I wouldn't like to..and so I went home:D I was tired and didn't feel good!!
I went to bed and slept from about 7 pm till 8 am..amazing isn't it??
Sunday I worked from 10am till 6 pm..and after that I went to one of my friends because it was her Mom's birthday and so we hung out there..had cake..and talked=)
I went to bed quite early..
and today wasn't too bad ...two hours geography..two hours english and two hours art..:D the time went by fast..and tonight I went and played Badminton! So I enjoyed doing this..now I guess I'll go to bed soon!;D...
bye bye

bonjour tout le monde

School started...and here is the message from my first schoolday..just too lazy to type it again!!:D

Hi guys!
Today I had my first school day..before I was really
scared to be honest..but it wasn't too bad..although I
shouldn't say that yet because today we didn't do a
lot. I went to school already two days ago and
yesterday to see which classes I would get!
Yesterday I started to put my schedule together..it's
not easy!:) YOu get a paper with your classes written
on it and then they hang up another paper with all
classes they offer and you have to look when your
classes are and what teachers you'll have..how many
free periods you have and when they are!
So today I went to school in time for the first hour.
Some other students only came in time for the 3rd one
because the first two hours were for orientation
anyways! But so I met quite a lot people from my old
Till 11th grade you have only one "class" (a group of
certain people) and till 10th grade you can't choose
any classes! In 11th grade you can choose between art
and music but apart from that you are not able to
choose your classes!
Now in 12th grade we can choose our major classes..and
also choose between politics,history geography...but
there are still a lot requirements to fulfill!
So I took for this year English and Biology as my
major classes...then I took math ,politics,
history,geography,art, German,PE and religion..
I'm not sure yet if it was the right decision...but
I'll see.
Today we only had biology, geography and history!

Our system here is really confusing and they change a
lot right now... not even our teachers know how
everything works:D...oh well..
But I like that we are able know to get to know a lot
of people from our grade because all the classes are
mixed now in the different classes depending on your
I even know some of my teachers I will have for the
next two years...but there are still some I've never
seen before!
Our geography teacher is totally out of it!I already
had him in 8th grade and I'm honestly surprised that
he teaches in 12th grade!
He told us about everything but geography today..we
had to listen to his glasses story..he talked about
how is glasses broke and that he got it fixed and
didn't have to pay for it!
I was laughing so hard!! And the problem was that I
sat in the front row..so he could see me !:-/ oh
well..he is just weird..not a mean teacher or
something but just weird!!
Some people actually wanted to take the more counting
test at the end of 13th grade in geography..and I was
thinking about it,too..or to take the oral examination
there...but I don't think I will do that with him!
I don't think we will learn a lot there...and now you
shouldn't only pay attention if you like the teacher
but also if they can teach you! because the final
tests in 13th grade will be given by the district
government..I think one school creates these tests and
then everybody in our "federal state", lower
saxony...the part of Germany where I live in, has to
take these tests..yeah I'm anxious how everything will
So, I'll talk to you later! To keep you guys updated!
Love, Merle


Last day of summer break!

So yesterday two friends, I got to know on vacation on Juist, came to go with us in the disco here;D
We picked them up from the station...and it was the first time ever that I drove with teelke;).She got her license about a month ago;)
She did a pretty good job...and I knew I shouldn't say anything because it will be a lot worse when I eventually will get my license!;D

Then in the evening I went horsebackriding. Julia picked me up and took me over to her house. They have a few horses and she offered me I could ride one of them!First we had dinner at her house...then she rode her horse and after that I rode one of the young horses from them! It was a lot of fun:D Tinchen even behaved well..she is still young and not used to be ridden! So we didn't do a lot with her...and decided to start slowly!;)
As I came home I rushed to get ready...and eventually went to teelke again...
We just sat around for a little while before we went to another friend, Nele. At her house were about 10 other people..and so we even got a ride to the disco and didn't have to walk..although it's not far at all!
There it got crowded pretty fast..but it was nice..I met so many people..and the funniest part is some people you knew from kindergarten or elementary school..hehe...
sometimes even you are surprisd why some people still know you, didn't I change during all this time?=)
oh, well we had a lot of fun...and enjoyed the time there..as we eventually got out we had to realize it was already 4.45am...wow!!That was the reason why we were so tired:)
But at last the music was a kind of loud...so I wanted to go!!
But it always takes forever to get everybody together to go home! We walked home with a group of about 7 people..!!
Today in the morning then I had to get up at 9.30 because I wanted to go to the school again...eventually at 10.30 my friends came and so we left!!
I was soo tired..and you guys can't beliebve how much I was looking forward to go back to my bed...!!W picked up our classes..and tried to make our schedule..unfortunately none of my classes changed since yesterday*wahh** oh well at least I have some classes with my friends:D
We came back at 11..and I fell in bed immediately after it...just too tired.I slept till about 2pm till Malte and Marie woke me up...!!Actually nice of them..but I'm still so tired;D oh well otherwise I won't be able get up tomorrow morning!!
talk to you later!



I just came back from school. A friend and I went there to figure out in which classes we are..and what teachers we have! I guess I better shouldn't have gone!!
There were a few papers hanging and we could look up who will be our teacher..but it's a kind of confusing...tomorrow we weill have to go there again and then we hopefully will get our schedule!
It doesn't look too good when I really get the teachers it looks like right now...
My Englishteacher is new...my biology teacher is a different one than I thought it would be....I'll have a teacher in Geography I already had in 8th grade..no comment to that!!!
Some other teacher I don't know..but I know quite a lot stories about them....!!*wahhh* I don't want to!!!!!!!


another pic;)



Today I went with Marie and Sabine to the pediatrician...just a regular examination..
Marie started to cry so loud...we barely could make her calm down.The doctor just touched her to see if everything is okay..but marie cried the whole time:)
Althoug, I could understand her...I guess I would have been afraid too..the doctor is a kind of big and me being small being examined by a guy like that I would have been afraid too:)

I'm so tired today..don't know whats wrong perhaps it's the thought of starting school on Thursday. I will relax a little bit before I have to got to work tonight!
I'll talk to you later!


Today I "only" had to work till 11pm:).So my parents shouldn't worry;)
Now it's already I:30 in the morning..yeah even when I get back in time I don't go to bed early...
Of course i had to call my Mom, because it's her birthday today:)
Then I talked to Dad for a little bit...but I already forgot so many words...*wahhh* and then in the evening I'm always tired so it's even harder to focus on what to say!!
But I love talking to them...it's nice to hear whats going on there...and what they are doing..and it makes me feel like I would be there..right now..just about 30 minutes away from them..!!
so I gotta go...I'm tired and I have to get some sleep...because I actually wanted to go to school tomorrow to see if there is somebody already to tell me my schedule or at least to give me some information!!
Good night*yawn*


Ein Jahr in Amerika

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