

Hi there! Did you guys know that we have "earthday" today? jep..I'm not really sure what it means..but I guess it's to protect the environment! For our biology class we are supposed to wear a green shirt, a shirt with flowers or water on it to get a few extracreditpoints ( just to let you know, it's a part of the grade!!:D). It's really weird that they have days like this!! Some schools even had on March 14th Pieday(Piday?)..and guess why?? 3/14 3.14 is the mathematics sign pi! Then it's usually that everybody brings cake to school...I just thought it's funny as I heard about it!
I haven't seen too many people wearing stuff for this day today! But often you can see the chemistry students wearing a colorful T-shirt..and now I finally know why! When they wear it on the day of a test they get extracreditpoints for their tests!! hehe...

We just had a "frankensteinparty" in first hour! Some people brought cookies, doughnuts, and pop for watching the end of Frankenstein. Even I made brownies..and guess what?? They didn't burn...hehe!!
We've read the book first(a good thing that there are summaries in the internet!!!:D) and the last days we watched the movie to the book! Today we celebrated that we are done with this book...although I didn't feel like eating anything while I was watching the movie..some scenes are really disgusting...and bloody!!

Now a completely different topic! Does anybody know the bands "Good Charlotte", "Greenday" and "the Killers"??:) Bought a while ago these cds...and I listen to this music the whole day!:) At the beginning I did't like "Good Charlotte" at all..but after I was forced to listen to it every morning in the car, I guess I got used to it! And now I even like it!:)



So, today I finally find a little bit time to write in here! The last days were just exhausting...especially Monday!I was just busy!But the nicest experience on Monday was that my bandteacher yelled at me! I mean I knew it would come..because you never know what's happning next with him! He is just weird! Now it starts that we have performances in the elementary schools around as a kind of commercial! So he said something that he requires us to be here today after school and the next day (was yesterday) at second hour in the band room! I didn't know about it before so I asked for a schedule..just to know what's going on! And he yelled at me "when i would come to Jazzband I would get one" aehhm...let me think about this! I just didn't go one time lately...and before i was there(had to leave earlier but we were supposed to start at 2.30pm and who came at 3 the earliest?? of course him). So I really thought about quitting jazzband for a moment! When it doesn't work with quitting the bandclass!:-/
We were realeased earlier from 6th hour...not bad..hehe! But it's math and I have to make up work all the time anyways so it meant for me more homework!
But we went to the Elementary school ...I couldn't help to set everything up so me and some friends went outside to play on the playground..hehe! Tha's fun,honestly! They had a spinning thing...and we got really dizzy after a while!
The performance was okay! But then our teacher decided to introduce me and the guitar player and tell the students that we attended this elementary school before. neither I nor him ever attended that school! I thought it just was ridiculous...especially because I an't even speak like they all do...and then to make me get up and tell them that I attended this school...but that's my teacher!!:0.. One of the girls, who really went there complained after the performance because she wasn't even introduced! yeah...good research! He is such a smart guy!! But I don't want to talk bad about him...I would never do something like that!!
But the best part came! He even made us dancing with all our instruments...it's lifting at certain measures the saxophone to the right, left...and later even to turn around..play without the music..and then "shake your butt"..nice..how I hate that! especially in front of all the people...but I mean at least it's getting better! But our teacher never dances it's always us! Fortunately i have Billy next to me who sometimes helps me and tells me before when to turn around! But last time even he forgot to tell me..at least the second time!:D
After this performance I went to soccer practice...I was late. But I told my coach earlier..so it was okay with him! This week we just started to get in better shape! Yeah...means more running, moving!!:) Directly after practice Gloria picked me up and we went playing badminton in Detroit! It was really nice! But I was just exhausted! It still was fun! You only play doubles there because then more people can play at the same time! But at least I'm able to play..hehe! Gloria could't play because she just had surgery...and so she really shouldn't be reckless and do that!But it just was nice to be there...to meet all the people and to hold the racket again..hehe! I came home around 11.30 and was just tired...didn't do any homework..just fell in my bed and slept!

So today we had soccer practice again! And it was freezing!! Yesterday we had about 84 degrees and today only 48...it's so weird how fast the weather changes! I figured it would be really warm today and so I didn't bring a sweatshirt..but it was a mistake! Fortunately I had long pants..and I wore 2 Tshirts..But I still was freezing and couldn't feel my fingers after the practice!
This time we had to run even 3 laps around the field..usually only two. So at we stretched before practice we counted really slow(we always count to 15 before practice during exercises) to waste a little bit time..hehe! Because nobody wanted to run the whole time!And after practice we usually count to 10 for each exercise) it was more 1,2,3,4...done! jep...we had another teamdinner today..and everybody was hungry and wanted to go there!:) Amazing how fast you can stretch then..and everybody still could run from the field after practice..jump into the car and leave...! It's really funny because usually it's all slower when you're tired!!:)
Now I'm home...and I'm just glad that I don't have to do a lot ..I probably will go to bed early! And do a little bit homework!



So, I already tried to make an entry yesterday but obviously it didn't work!
Yesterday my friend jenna picked me up and after we were really bored the last time walking around in the mall...we decided to go to frankenmuth( the German city here around):).So it took us about 50 minutes to go there...ther we just walked around..yeah we walked( sorry, that I emphasize this..but it's not really common here:))..so we went there:).There was nothing else to do...:) But it was fun!And then after we finally found a place where we could get our milkshake we went back home! That's pretty much what I did yesterday!
Today I enjoyed sleeping in..and I even went running..our coach really wanted us to do something over the weekend to get in shape for the next games. ANd probably the next practices will be a lot more running...but that's okay!
Then my other sister, who came home yesterday, asked if I would like to come to a family meeting(the confirmation of one of the cousins or something) but she also told me how boring it would be..and Austin and Millie wouldn't go either..so i decided not to go!
So I didn't really do anything..and enjoyed myself:). Watched a movie started to do some homework..just normal stuff..later I called a friend. And we decided to go bowling. She just got her drivers licence and it was funny. She didn't have a clue where to go..and I wasn't a help either..I get lost so easily! But we finally found the bowling alley! We just played with two people..so it was a kind of boring but better than sitting home on my own!
Oh yeah and today i finally got to know my other brother..he just came home today with his fiance...the last time he came I was in New York! So that was a kind of nice!:)



And again..I'm sitting in the Media center instead of being in class...it's just too boring! Today was supposed to be the first senior skip day! but for this occasion, there a quite a lot seniors here! I didn't really know about it...and anyways..you would have to make all the work up! So, it's probably better to be here!! Perhaps I'll skip school on the next Senior Skip Day, which is the Monday after Prom! But I'll see!
Yesterday we've lost our other game! But this time we even got a goal, finally. the first one in our season!! But the other team won by 4...!! Austin, my brother, picked me up after the game and we had to rush! Because we wanted to go to a Maroon5 concert in Detroit! One of his friends came with us and two of my sisters friends did so, too! It was fun! There we even met a few more people from our school! The concert itself was awesome!! ..I mean, who has heard the songs knows what I'm talking about:D.
The funniest part was that we even got hit by different things...startet with a cap from a bottle...and later we even got hit by a bras! Can you imagine that??:) But a girl immediately grabbed it and walked away...ooops:D.
We came home around 12.30. I didn't feel like doing any homework. But later we'll have to take a quiz in math..and I still don't get it! I tried to read through it in the morning...but I don't understand it...oh well!
Have to go...my next class is beginning soon!!



Right now I'm at school...I'm supposed to be inAmerican history Class but it's so boring that i asked if I could go to the Media Center after taking a test!
My teacher is so stupid...he isn't consistent at all...and everybody does whatever they want to do! The others probably have to correct our own tests!:) jep...that's so much fun!!:0. I don't know why but it really makes me mad! At the moment I'm so sick of school...Especially band class is boring! And there are some really weird people who go crazy the whole time! I better don't say any names!
And also French makes everybody feeling tired...but the good thing there is that you can tease our teacher because sheis so short:). And the other people there are nice!
Always can't wait till the schoolday is over!

first article :)

Thanks lot, Tobi! Now I finally have my own livejournal, where I can keep you up to date how everything goes for me here in America:). I'm not sure how often I'll be able to write in here but I'll probably tell about the most important things about my life here my experiences...although the most of the year is already over.

I just came back from our teamdinner. Today we first had soccer practice and after that we went to Ashley's for another teamdinner:). Practice wasn't too bad we played a game with the Junior Varsity team, so we could practice for the game tomorrow! After we've lost our last game 0:8 our coach...and also we try to fix some problems :D. So that we'll be able to win the next games...I mostly play only once or twice a game though! But it's fine with me...at least I'm not the "teammanager", which job the Volleyball coach offered to me in winter! And translated it means you're not really a part of the team but you have to practice every day a few hours and even on the weekends for nothing!!
I don't expect to be as good as the other girls but it's still nice to be part of a team...!!:)

At the moment each day looks almost the same! We either have a game or practice after school...and then when I'll come home I'll take a shower and do my homework..! Doesn't sound interesting, does it?
But now everything goes so fast here...and when I think that May 27th will be our last schoolday I'm a kind of scared! Although I'm looking forward to get out of school...it's getting so boring! Especially band class...that's the worst!!Today I spent almost two hours in the Media Center because I didn't want to go to my classes! :)
And pretty soon are all the senior events coming up! It starts with Prom ( the dance at the end of the schoolyear for only 11th and 12th grade) and then we'll also have a trip to an amusement park and a banquet with all the seniors!

So, I think this should be enough for the first entry! So take care! Talk to you later!


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