
5 days of school left

Yuchuu...only 5 more days of school left. and I'm getting excited about it! Although I bet I would like to go to school again after being at home for one week!
Today we had our last big nine tournament (is against the biggest 8 other schools here around). We didn't do too bad. But our school is just not one of the bests! But it was fun!
My parents, grandparents and my brother are up North in the cottage..and I stayed at home because I'm gonna do something with Daria. We didn't have time lately to hang out and so we planned this evening for a while! It's really nice that my parents didn't force me to come with them although I have a bad concious now! I hate decisions of any kind!! My brother was mad because he didn't want to go up north but he had to! I felt bad because I did not have to go! But I don't mind going there. Actually it's nice there just not a whole lot to do around!!
Perhaps tomorrow more about it!


nothing to do righth now...:)

I had to get up really early today because I had my hairappointment...and now I'm not able to do anything because I don't want to destroy anything there...spent enough money..and I would be really mad when it would look different tonight than it does now!!
SO perhaps I'll clean my room...it's all in a mess..and that all the time!
I just found my soccerpictures..hehe! Yeah I got them taken this time and it's frustrating because they didn't turn out well. Now I have a lot of these bad looking pictures and don't know what to do with them. (I'm looking down and don't even smile ,my eyes are almost closed). But it was funny that day at school, where we got the pictures everybody complained"oh my pictures are so bad" and then after they saw my pics they were quiet..hehe!! And they laughed..there was only one girl who had worse pictures than I do..hehe! And she refused to show them to me at first..but I could convince her...so I also had a reason to laugh!:D
and the sad thing is we can't get retakes this time..but oh well...I made so many other people happy with the pictures that it was worth to get them taken.:D..!!


After the other picture didn't work I tried this one...and appaerantly it workked...okay I hope nobody is blinded by the bright green color:D ( I actually wanted to set a black and white picture online..but it didn't work)

dog at school

Today was one of the best schooldays ever:). My band teacher really brought his dog to school..I can't believe it...he said something like this earlier. A while ago we had a "bring the child to work day", and he said he probably would bring his "little"( quite big for little) child---> his puppy to school! I thought he was kidding but obviously he wasn't.
So I offered him immediately I could be dogsitter( I figured I wouldn't have to be bored during class then)..hehe! Yeah and after a while Daria, me and another girl could leave and go for a walk with his little "child",Max. So we walked around...he isn't wellbehaved at all..and he is really strong...we struggeled to keep him under control...as we came back our teacher closed the door(usually it's open) and then Max could walk around however he wanted...hehe! Yeah...that was something different.
Later then I met one of the other girls from Germany. her parents just came to visit her and were so happy to see somebody else who could talk German...but it was just confusing..I started out in German..didn't find the right words..and even the other girl mixed English and german up! But it was funny to see that they had the same impression from the school we had the first days. Now you adjusted and don't think about it anymore...!
Then after a while driving around (because my brither gave his girlfriend a ride home) I finally got home...everybody was preparing stuff for Prom(it's tomorrow!!).
Then later a friend picked me up to go to the Mall! It was fun...I've met so many people...although it's a kind of weird..some people don't talk with me at school..and then you meet them there..and they ask questions( yeah...questions:D).
But it's just really nice to go somewhere and you see a lot of people you know..even when you've only seen them!:D...Now I'm home and I'll probably go to bed pretty soon because I'll have a hairappointment at 9 in the morning ..and in the evening is Prom!!


I'm impressed...

Wow! And obviously I'm able to write in here again...! It didn't work for a few days...couldn't figure out why though!
The last weekend was really busy for me! I helped my older siblings to move and then we went to a college graduation from my older brother! It was from CMU( Central michigan University in Mount Pleasant). It was nice ...about 600 other students graduated with him...and the "brief" speeches from some professors weren't as brief as they announced..but it still was nice! Everybody wore cap and gown...and actually it was only calling the names..and they came up, got their diploma and that was it! But everybody was so proud ..And later we went out for dinner with the family!
The next day we celebrated his graduation and Mother's Day together with more relatives...( Here are family meetings not boring at all....the four younger cousins always help to have fun!:)) So, as my brother called me "dude", my younger cousin astonished.."why did he call you dude and not dudette??"
Mother's Day here was a really big deal! I don't know if it's always like this..but I had the feeling it's a lot more important than in Germany...!

yesterday we had another teamdinner...and some people tape our games with their cameras..so we wanted to watch the game where one of the girls got hit by the ball in her face! It was so funny!! We watched it at least five times..you could hear the loud noise from the ball...and then the girl screaming. Then she laid on the ground..and the Coach ran out to her! And the next moment our coach is smiling,almost laughing! That was as the girl said"I'll have a black eye and in one week is Prom!! Nice!!"...hehe..that was the best part, I guess. Nothing else! but Prom!
Oh yeah...and then a few days later she got hit in her face a second time..this time her nose and shin!awesome..and she ,of course, complained...because Prom is coming up!!:D Was just too funny! But our other Coach told us we should hit her date in the face so at least they would match...not nice..but true!
Enough for today...!



*Juhphhii*(...okay insider..for all who are in french class!:)) I just came back from my first bike ride..hehe! After they told us on the last orientation that one girl after her year here, where she didn't ride a bicycle at all, rode one again and just broke her ankle, I decided that I really should do that some time..
So today I felt like doing anything and asked if I could take one of the bikes in the garage. It was a small mountainbike...and I was afraid that the chain wouldn't make it the whole way and I would have to walk..but everything went well.It was freezing outside and I only went one road down ( yeah..but the streets here are pretty long), passed where I lived the first half year and wanted to get to the civilization :D. After about half an hour ride I decided to turn around..and it was bad..it started to rain and the wind blew in my face. But the best part was as I passed one house the dog ran out( of course nobody else ther) and followed me...even tried to get my leg...it really scared me..Thought it would bite me...but after I started yelling at it, the dog ran away...
As I arrived at home my fingers were frozen(although I'm learning and even wore gloves!:)) My butt hurt, honestly..the saddle wasn't comfortable at all! And I could barely move my feet...but oh well. I bet I'll be sore tomorrow. But I'm just not in shape at the moment...!!! Although we have soccer practice every day!
So, that's all for today!


the time is running...

hey guys!
The time is really running...and I can't believe that we already have May...it's still freezing cold here. and today we had a little( but really only a little) bit snow..and hail...it's just nasty out!
On Sunday we had our last YFU orientation..and it's just sad. the topic was for the most part already to say goodbye!
You don't know if you will ever see the other students again...
This time we had to work almost the whole time...we talked about saying goodbye to everybody about packing all our stuff together...and how it will be. At the end we had to close our eyes and one of our "teamer" went with us throug our last day...almost everybody started to cry!It's just unbelieveable how fast the time went..we have May..we really have May. That means in not even two months I will have to go back to Germany...only 18 more days of school. And on the one hand I'm really looking forward to come back...but on the otherhand I'm just afraid. I'm afraid how I have changed and how you have changed in this long time.(because it's not that the time stopped for everybody although it sometimes feels like that...I still want to write as dates the year 2004..and when somebody asks "how old is your brother"" 18...aehmm...sorry..19")
I'm afraid to leave my friends, my family here...and also the school...although I don't like the school. For so many people it's already now the most important topic.."and when are you leaving for germany"..They ask me that all the time! And they are probably realistic. But I still can't realize everything! I can't even realize that I'm in the United States now and that already for about 9 month! It's just everything is familiar now...you know so many people..you got to know to many different people..and it's hard to believe that it's me who does everything here..and who lives here!
for all who want to see some pictures from the meeting: www.capitalfieldyfu.com
I don't know why it's published under may 1st...today is May 3rd already!!


snow in April

Okay...this entry is from Saturday..I couldn't put it online earlier...so a little bit late:)

Today I had to get up at 6 in the morning! We have weekend*wahh* That's not really nice! We were supposed to meet at 7.45 at the school! I was quite early because my Dad dropped me off before he got to work! So I was there around 7.15 and the school was locked,of course! It rained and it was freezing cold! I think Dad had a bad concious to let me there on my own! After a while a girl (I know her from school and volleyball tryouts) offered me I could sit with her in her car! She plays Softball and they were supposed to have a game today! She sat there wrapped in a blanket and hoped that they'll cancel it!:D
And about 20 minutes later the Softball coach really came and said that the game was canceled! I was surprised that it didn't happen earlier..it was raining and they predicted snow for today anyways!
So I switched cars that she could go home:)! We also hoped that they would cancel our game...yesterday they canceled already tennis and baseball...but of course didn't say anything about soccer! The baseball team didn't even practice..hehe boys! they could get wet!
So we went with the bus to Frankenmuth (about 1 hour away) because the weather there was better than it was here( that's what they said). But as we arrived it started already to snow! Everybody had blankets with them...and wore at least 2 or 3 Sweatshirts above each other! We still hoped that it would be cancelled in the last minute! But we had to get ready and they really wanted us to play! So we wore layer over layer....gloves, headbands...everything we had! And went outside! It was cold...and if you believe it or not, we had snow!
There were 4 teams at this tournament ...and two already played against each other! One of them won 1:0. So as far as I got it the refs said when one of the teams (our opponent or us) would get 2 goals they would win the tournament! And not even 5 minutes on the field we got our 2 goals and the game was finished...the shortest game I've ever seen:D. We didn't even had time to sub! So me and some other girls didn't even play...some others were out there but couldn't touch the ball in these 5 minutes...hehe!!
I don't know if we really won the tournament now..but it just was fun!:D
After that we packed all our stuff together and headed home! Yeah...that was our tournament..:D
Then at home an aunt called and asked if Austin and me would like to go out for dinner with them( it's grandpas birthday today)..and so we went there! It was nice..I finally got to know some other relatives.. 2 aunts, two uncles and 4 cousin..hehe! They were really cute! And it was nice to meet them! After dinner we went back home..and I slept for a while...you really get tired from doing nothing! It's weird here I have the feeling I sleep all the time..and waste my time with sleeping! But on the other hand..when I'm tired and I don't have anything else to do anyways..why shouldn't I sleep:)!
Tomoorow I'll probably go to Detroit to the Art Museum with Gloria! But it's depending on the weather..they predicted some inches snow over night. And when it really would snow we wouldn't go! It's an one hour drive! And it's not worth when the roads are slippery!
But we will see!!:D


Ein Jahr in Amerika

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